SolarHosting Logo


Solarhosting is a project I am currently running that gives people access to affordable hosting! This is my biggest project so far with 4,300 signups! With this project I have gotten a lot of experience with system administrator work keeping servers online and everything running smooth. I have also gotten a lot of work with NodeJS and Python giving people support with there servers and helping people debug issues! I have also learned a lot about working with people, At the time of wrighting this there are 10 staff members.

Odd Games 🔴

This is a project I ran that gave people access to proxies and games to use in work or school where things are blocked! At the peak, we had 3,000+ users a day. This project was all open-sourced, and running it, I learned a lot about GitHub and making websites! I had a lot of fun making this project but ended up closing it after about 4 months because it took a lot to keep old games running and keeping up the community was a lot.

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DeathSteal SMP 🔴

This is a project I ran for about 3 months, It was a minecraft java lifesteal server. At this project I had my first experience dealing with a community and using java. I coded a few custom plugins at my time there and grew a community of about 20 active players on at a time and 2,000+ player joins in total! I eneded up leaving the project after everyone started getting mad at me for changes and I was getting burnt out from playing minecraft everyday.


This project is working to make the internet safer by using AI to scan dark web forums and social media sites for illegal child abuse material. I started this project after seeing CSAM on twitter and wanting to do something about it, At first this project was just me manually going to tags and reporting them to twitter but now I run automated scans daily across many different sites. This project overall has been a success and I plan to continue to run it as long as I have free time.